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Flexible Packaging For Beverages and Liquids
There are a wide variety of spouts, which include temper-evident, flip-top, non-drip, screw cap, and butterfly-tap. We offer flexible packaging for industries that are into beverages and liquids as well as food and non-food items. The spouts make the liquid products not only easy to drink and pour but also easy to clean, while at the same time being environmentally friendly.
We maintain the environmental standard by producing pouches or bags that can be recycled easily. Our clients brand stand out from the others as we provide environmentally friendly products and not products made of traditional polyethylene terephthalate (PET), glass, or aluminium can packaging.
Our spout stand-up pouches for beverages and liquids can not only be customised with different types of shapes, sizes, and designs but also have a wide range of unique add-on features.